About Us

About Raymond Collections

Raymond Collection was founded by Raymond Lam Ping Wai. Born and raised in Hong Kong, Raymond has become an ambitious man. Subsequently he moved to Penang where he established a Raymond Series and eventually venturing into antique collection which is known as Raymond Collection.

The name Raymond Collection originated from the founder’s name – Raymond. On top collecting antiques, Raymond Collection also act as a platform for antiques trading. The website primarily showcases the collection of both local and Chinese antiques, hand printing artworks and vintage porcelains in addition we also collect premium graded Tibetan Dzi beads and multi functions royal graded Agarwood oil, bracelets and necklaces. Antiquarians can look for their favourite antiques in the vast collection of antiques ranging from different price-tier and grade features in Raymond Collection’s website. On top of that, having an online Raymond Collection platform also allows antiquarians and artist across the world to trade and purchase their favourite collections.

What Inspired The Establishment Of Raymond Collection?

The establishment of Raymond Collection was inspired after Raymond encountered a local antiquarian. During the causal talk, Raymond realized most of the antiquarians started the hobby by investing in antiques and hoping to gain a fortune piece of antiques as a collection. At the same time, Raymond also found out that local antiques market is smaller and harder to get attention and appreciation if compared to China and Taiwan relatively. Therefore, he aspired to create a topnotch platform for local antiquarians while increasing the popularity of antiques collection among locals. As a result, Raymond Collection was established and Raymond himself became an antiquarian at the same time.