Company Biography

Company Biography

Welcome to Raymond Collection, the perfect platform for you to look for your favourite antiques and collections. You can search for various collections ranging from 80s furniture, porcelains, Tibetan Dzi beads and Agarwood oil, bracelets and necklaces. All the collections are sorted by their categories and you can purchase it with an ease of mind. On top of that, we have a full-fledged supporting crew to provide services such as analysis and information sharing on the antiques. What is holding you any longer? Let’s travel together through the time tunnel, explore and admire the magnificent history of every piece of beautiful antique in Raymond Collection.

Antiques and Collection

Raymond Collection features a vast collection antiques and collection ranging from local vintage and China’s Jingdezhen porcelains, vintage abacus, 80s “Yellow Flowering Pear” wood (a rare species of rosewood) furniture and many more. Antiquarians from all over the world can appreciate the antiques showcased in Raymond Collection, and you can make a purchase instantly if you see any piece of antique that clicks to your heart.

Dzi Beads

Raymond Collection features a vast collection antiques and collection ranging from local vintage and China’s Jingdezhen porcelains, vintage abacus, 80s “Yellow Flowering Pear” wood (a rare species of rosewood) furniture and many more. Antiquarians from all over the world can appreciate the antiques showcased in Raymond Collection, and you can make a purchase instantly if you see any piece of antique that clicks to your heart.

Agarwood Series

Nowadays Agarwood has been made into bracelets and necklaces, and its aromatic resin has been extracted to produce Agarwood oil. Buddhists have widely used Agarwood in temples for purposes such as prayers, meditations and maintenance of praying instruments. Meanwhile, general public can use Agarwood in reduction of blood pressure, support a healthy liver and kidney functions on top of many other health. In addition, people who experiencing stress may benefit by wearing Agarwood bracelets or necklaces as it can help to induce calmness, relieve stress and helping to improve concentration.